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A Wheelchair is the best product that is going to provide you with the mobility support you desire. Medimove Ezee Budget Self Propelled Wheelchair, M132A207, Load Capacity: 80 kg is an amazing product available in the market. This product weighs just 18. kg, which will not be difficult to carry when required. This wheelchair has a load capacity of 80 kg. The fixed arm and footrest are made using best quality material where the patient might rest their limbs. The spoked rear wheels are of a diameter of Rear: 20.5 inch||Front: 7.3 inch. The wheelchair is completely manual and can be very easily moved around. The basic frame of this wheelchair is made out of Frame: Steel||Tyre: PU||Seat: Nylon which makes it strong and durable. Dimensions of this product are 38.4x20.5x33.1 inch. This wheelchair by Medimove is one of the finest products available online.


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